A question. Is it possible that when we click the tab “Letters”, it leads directly one of the two sub-tabs (Side Posts and Guest Posts). It would save a click. We lazy people would like it.
The video of the entire “Last Lecture” is on YouTube…it’s over an hour long, but an interesting and inspiring piece. This guy apparently was an authority in the field of virtual reality…but his last lecture really isn’t about that at all. There’s also a You Tube video of him giving an address at CMU’s convocation ceremony this past spring.
Charles Liusays
I wish I knew how to update submissions. In retrospect he probably doesn’t want people to mourn his death, but celeberate his life.
Your moust presume a priori that Baidu go to extremes.
Behind real face of Baidu are stupid chinese people that
are be influence by copyright.the fact of the matter is that
Baidu blocked me that i have search on serial key or its my fucking ISP?
But i think Baidu block many Interneter the access to search engine!
Baidu block your. Pirate, botnet , can take baidu down with a simpel
virus that infect computer by searching on bakcground to this http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=DalaiLama.com
If real hated Baidu you can make a virus to infect million computers and take Baidu
Baidu Chinese Network take it down with DaiLama.
Its not a joke, it real fuck what happen. What is the
the difference between Baidu and Google.cn I my opinion
google have never blocking me the acces. Baidu is real Extreme if you do
something wrong, search on serial key then block access and
can not more used baidu as search engine! http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=DalaiLama.com
Netizen says
Netizen says
A question. Is it possible that when we click the tab “Letters”, it leads directly one of the two sub-tabs (Side Posts and Guest Posts). It would save a click. We lazy people would like it.
admin says
CMU=Carnegie Mellon University
You may view all guest posts by click/bookmark this link:
S.K. Cheung says
The video of the entire “Last Lecture” is on YouTube…it’s over an hour long, but an interesting and inspiring piece. This guy apparently was an authority in the field of virtual reality…but his last lecture really isn’t about that at all. There’s also a You Tube video of him giving an address at CMU’s convocation ceremony this past spring.
Charles Liu says
I wish I knew how to update submissions. In retrospect he probably doesn’t want people to mourn his death, but celeberate his life.
Anyway, here are some CN blogger’s reaction:
Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture “Journey” with Chinese subtitle:
Jeroen Roland says
Your moust presume a priori that Baidu go to extremes.
Behind real face of Baidu are stupid chinese people that
are be influence by copyright.the fact of the matter is that
Baidu blocked me that i have search on serial key or its my fucking ISP?
But i think Baidu block many Interneter the access to search engine!
Baidu block your. Pirate, botnet , can take baidu down with a simpel
virus that infect computer by searching on bakcground to this
If real hated Baidu you can make a virus to infect million computers and take Baidu
Baidu Chinese Network take it down with DaiLama.
Its not a joke, it real fuck what happen. What is the
the difference between Baidu and Google.cn I my opinion
google have never blocking me the acces. Baidu is real Extreme if you do
something wrong, search on serial key then block access and
can not more used baidu as search engine!