When at a zoo, what do you think is likely the more numerous? At the Shanghai Zoo today, I think children outnumbered animals. The place is massive, perhaps one of the largest zoos anywhere around the world. Rides and children activities are abound. While observing the kids, my thought was that they all should grow up to never see strife, at least not what their parents or grandparents have experienced. The tough lesson for the Chinese is to not let themselves become weak, because if they do, it is the plight of 1.4 billion people at stake. Below are pictures I took while at the zoo with my observations.

melektaus says
I was quite amazed at the Singapore zoo. It took the whole day to explore. That said, I’m no fan of zoos. Animals are often terribly abused in them. I wish there was a better way for people to see animals in their natural habitat and learn about them without any exploitation. Hopefully the Chinese will lead the world in natural habitat animal parks such as the one in San Diego where animals roam relatively freely with their own kind.
Ray says
Judging from the last picture, it is obvious enforcement in China is actually too lax. Try doing that in Singapore and HK, a fine is almost guaranteed!
Sorry for nit picking, great pics and have a good time.
YinYang says
I share your view. Whenever I visit a zoo, I end up feeling sorry for the animals. But, I am conflicted about zoos, because I think they bring awareness about animals to the public about conversation.
Hey, I am in Zhengzhou now and was at a mall earlier today. I saw toddlers pissing on the large tiled floor of this rather upscale mall – on two separate occasions! This and spitting must go. It pains me to see these habits expressed in public!