The recent Occupy Wall Street movement across the U.S. may be weighing in your minds. I couldn't help but draw the parallel to the 1989 Tiananmen protest. With the unemployment in America stuck at 9.1%, pressure on society is gradually mounting. Many young Americans are starting to doubt their future. This sentiment is not that different than the students in China when they … [Read more...] about Opinion: the Occupy Wall Street movement will eventually fizz
China launches first Tiangong-1 space lab module
China has successfully launched her first Tiangong-1 ( 天宫一号, "Heavenly Palace 1") space lab module that would eventually dock with a series of other ones to form a space station. China Daily reports: Zhang Shancong, deputy chief designer of the Tiangong-1, told Xinhua that the module carries special cameras which will take hyperspectral images of China's vast farmlands to … [Read more...] about China launches first Tiangong-1 space lab module
No way to realize my ideas
I was recently browsing a collection of Adrian Fisk's portraits of ordinary Chinese people holding up placards expressing their thoughts. The photo of LUO ZhengChui caught my attention. She is a 30 year-old farmer in Yunnan Province. Her message (with couple of wrong Chinese characters) roughly translates to: After watching television, I have many ideas, but no way of … [Read more...] about No way to realize my ideas
Fudan University Professor and Director of Center for American Studies, Shen Dingli: “A blow to Sino-US ties”
Below is an Op-Ed from Fudan University professor and its Director of Center for American Studies, Shen Dingli, titled, "A blow to Sino-US ties." It appeared in China Daily today. Over the last few days, I have noticed Chinese media taking a strong stance against the U.S. weapons sales to Taiwan, albeit this round being upgrades for F-16's. The Chinese see the U.S. once … [Read more...] about Fudan University Professor and Director of Center for American Studies, Shen Dingli: “A blow to Sino-US ties”
Chinese scholars propose human rights commission
A panel of experts from China University of Political Science and Law have proposed establishing an independent human rights commission in a recent forum attended by both Chinese and foreign human rights experts. (China Daily has more details.) If this proposal becomes enshrined in China's constitution, that'd be a really interesting development. Below are couple of key … [Read more...] about Chinese scholars propose human rights commission