The following is a translation of an op-ed published published in China Review News. May 27, 2010 – Opinion: the Foxconn Incident is a Reflection of the Growing Pains Associated with China’s Traditional Mode of Development The recent spate of suicides at Foxconn in China has brought unprecedented attention to this major international manufacturing subcontractor of electronics … [Read more...] about Opinion: the Foxconn Incident is a Reflection of the Growing Pains Associated with China’s Traditional Mode of Development
If Confucius is alive today, he would advise the Western media: “中庸”
If 孔子 (Confucius) were alive today, he would advice the Western media to heed his thoughts on "中庸" (Zhong Yong), or "Doctrine of the Mean". Below is one of his key passages: 喜怒哀樂之未發、謂之中;發而皆中節、謂之和;中也者、天下之大本也;和也者、天下之達道也。致中和、天地位焉、萬物育焉。 When joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure have not yet arisen, it is called the Mean (中 centrality, equilibrium). When they arise to their … [Read more...] about If Confucius is alive today, he would advise the Western media: “中庸”
中国博客: “探索和谐”, 欢迎你
大家好. 从今年二月十四日以来, 我们都在找机会用中文来介绍这个中国博客, "探索和谐." 我们的中文是真的非常差. 不过, 我们觉得用最简单的字还可以表达心里的话. 我们还希望我们的中文未来更加进步. 中国和西方关系依然进步了很多, 但是西方还有一部份的人对中国非常不公平. 为了公平我们的目的其实很简单,就想帮中国说话. 中国的历史其实是很长的. 我们觉得中国有很多智慧能帮助现代的问题. 西方人的看法是从他们自己的历史来的. 他们很多事情就想不通. 孔夫子两千年有教过"中庸." 西方媒体的行为就不够中庸, 所以他们的社会有许多无法解决的问题. 冷战还没过几年, 西方还有一部份的人是用冷战的透镜来看中国的. 这没办法. 只有时间才能解决. Allen 是哈佛大学毕业的. 我是从麻省理工学院毕业的. … [Read more...] about 中国博客: “探索和谐”, 欢迎你
The U.S. China Dispute over Renminbi: Who is Right?
Recently, a rising chorus can be heard in the U.S. accusing China of "manipulating" the value of the RMB. In a recent op-ed, Krugman characterized Chinese policy as an "anti-stimulus" to the rest of the world. In an editorial op-ed, the NY Times staff accused China of playing a "beggar-thy-neighbor competitive devaluation" that is "threatening economies around the world ... … [Read more...] about The U.S. China Dispute over Renminbi: Who is Right?
A Brief History of the Sino-Indian Border Dispute and the role of Tibet
On 3rd July 1914, as Ivan Chen made his way down the steps of the Summit Hall building in Simla, he must have been aware of mixed feelings rising up inside him. He had done something which would have far reaching repercussions; and which would for years be remembered by many people on both sides of the Sino-Indian border, albeit in very different ways - He had just left the … [Read more...] about A Brief History of the Sino-Indian Border Dispute and the role of Tibet