The TED interview below (video at the end of the post) was conducted in July 2010 with Julian Assange talking about the need for the public to keep an eye out for government conduct. Americans cherish freedom of the press, and by that, it is generally understood that the media's job is to be the watchdog of the government and any other organization of power. Do Americans … [Read more...] about Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks
Jon Huntsman’s “gonna take China down” comments
Former U.S. Ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman, in a televised Republican primary debate told Americans he would reach out to the 500 million Chinese Internet users; to lead them towards change which would ultimately "take China down." Video below has been circulating in China. It contains what Huntsman said captioned in Chinese. I want to share reader silentchinese's … [Read more...] about Jon Huntsman’s “gonna take China down” comments
Michael Scheuer on Russia Today about America and the Muslim World
Former CIA agent of 20 years, turned historian, Dr. Michael Scheuer, recently discussed his views with Russia Today about America and the Muslim world. U.S. political leaders should absolutely heed what he had to say. The only disagreement I have with Scheuer is his view that the U.S. is inextricable in her feud with the Middle East. The U.S. and the West have the might to help … [Read more...] about Michael Scheuer on Russia Today about America and the Muslim World
Is the West building a case for the invasion of Iran?
Remember the 1990s and early 2000s hunt for WMD in Iraq headed by the former director-general of the IAEA, Hans Blix? No WMD has been found, but during that period, the propaganda within the NATO countries arguing for war ultimately led to the 2003 Iraq invasion. Now, fast forward to 2011. I get the sinking feeling we are witnessing the repeat of that. Remember the … [Read more...] about Is the West building a case for the invasion of Iran?
Outrage over toddler run over by vans followed by passers-by not helping
Video below is a gruesome hit-and-run of a two year-old toddler by two vans in Foshan, Guangdong Province. What is worse is the more than a dozen passers-by simply letting her lying on the street bleeding and not calling for help. This tragedy has gripped the nation; it is all over the news. The two drivers have been arrested. Prior to that, one of the drivers was reported … [Read more...] about Outrage over toddler run over by vans followed by passers-by not helping