As you all already know, there were calls on Twitter few days ago asking Chinese citizens to protest and overthrow their government. (raventhorn2000 weighed in few posts ago.) One of the rallying locations was a McDonalds at Wangfujing in Beijing. The video below was taken by a Chinese citizen catching U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman at the scene. It's pretty hilarious … [Read more...] about U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman caught on video teased by Chinese at “Jasmine Revolution” rally at Wangfujing
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks Internet ‘freedom’
A lot has already been written in the Western media about the yesterday U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speech on Internet 'freedom.' In her speech, Clinton singled out China for being "repressive" on the Internet, and for that reason, the predictable narrative is out yet again: U.S. vs. 'bad' China, 'bad' China, or U.S. being too harsh to, still, a 'bad' China. This … [Read more...] about U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks Internet ‘freedom’
What next for Egypt?
Egypt is in the midst of a revolution (China Daily reporting "Egypt to finish constitution amendments in 10 days"), and everyone on the planet is genuinely curious how the country will evolve (The Economist ponders, "Where now for Egypt and the region?"). We should put things into perspective though. A new constitution and a newly elected government few months from now is … [Read more...] about What next for Egypt?
China Hacking, Poison and Piracy
Here is another story about hackers from China. Allegedly some organization have tracked yet another hacking that originated from some computer from China. Red alert - we are under attack from China! I found it interesting that we never hear from hackers from U.S., Britain, Germany characterized as that. We are more specific than that. Bad hackers are individual bad … [Read more...] about China Hacking, Poison and Piracy
The Narrative on the Egyptian “Uprising” / “Revolution”
For the last three weeks, we witnessed something extraorgdinary in the Egypt. A unpopular leader is finally brought down by revolts in the street. A gallant people finally brought a hated tyrrant down to his knees. Yet, if one really think about it, even by the most optimistic of figures, at most (perhaps) one million people at one time or another added together protested … [Read more...] about The Narrative on the Egyptian “Uprising” / “Revolution”