Amid the depressing news of the trial of Phurbu Tsering Rinpoche, a respected lama from Kardze (western Sichuan), is a hopeful sign: he is being defended by two Han Chinese human rights lawyers. They say that they have had some harrassment from the police, but they have not been prevented from serving as counsel to a man they believe was unjustly accused. They have helped him … [Read more...] about (Letter from Otto Kerner, Opposing Viewpoint) Mainland Han human rights lawyers defend Tibetan lama
human rights
China in the Year 2020: Three Political Scenarios
In our Dalai Lama Warns of Looming Violence thread, Wukailong linked to this essay covering three political scenarios that China might face in the year 2020. The author, Cheng Li is Senior Fellow at the John L. Thornton China Center of the Brookings Institution and William R. Kenan Professor of Government at Hamilton College. His summary is as follows: … [Read more...] about China in the Year 2020: Three Political Scenarios
Hillary Clinton's Successful First Visit to China as Secretary of State
Judging by reactions from the Chinese government, Secretary of State Clinton's state visit to China last weekend has been a great success. This trip is foremost about realism. … [Read more...] about Hillary Clinton's Successful First Visit to China as Secretary of State
On the Mind-Numbing, Sensationalistic Use of Emotionally Charged Words in International Politics
The recent tragedies in Gaza have reminded me again the mind-numbing role the sensationalistic use of emotionally charged words can play in international politics. Recently, Israel railed against the Vatican when Cardinal Renato Martino, the president of the Council for Justice and Peace of the Vatican, characterized Gaza as a "concentration camp." According to the NY Times: … [Read more...] about On the Mind-Numbing, Sensationalistic Use of Emotionally Charged Words in International Politics
(Letter from Charles Liu) 我看08宪章
我看08宪章 作者:magiczerg 文章发于:乌有之乡 点击数: 更新时间:2008-12-11 《08宪章》终于出炉了,很好,它们终于又从黑暗中窜出来,张牙舞爪的向人民冲过来了。这个阴险的敌人在76年劫后重生以来,一直像病毒一样偷偷的复制着,今天爆发了,看来我们现在的免疫力确实是不行了。病毒总是趁人虚弱的时候爆发,08是中华民族由于长期虚耗,刚刚病倒的时候,它们果然就发作了,治病救人看来是势在必行了。 … [Read more...] about (Letter from Charles Liu) 我看08宪章