China Daily has a really good article out about comedian Joe Wong. He first debut on Letterman couple of years ago. Last year, he performed at the Radio Television Correspondence dinner at the White House. The thing that I most admire in Wong is his marching forward unencumbered by whatever perceived limitations that he might have – for example his accent.
Allen says
Hilarious! 🙂
Ray says
I first learned of him at RTCA Dinner:
On on Ellen Show:
TonyP4 says
Joe is a pioneer, esp. for Chinese immigrants. Just for that, I’ve to admire his courage. Most Chinese teach their children to go to some ‘safe’ professions like lawyers, doctors, accountants, programmers…
We may lose cures from his potential drug discovery, but we gain good laughter that could be more important to our health than the cures.
Joe’s success has sth to do with China’s rise. Twenty years ago, I believe “no one would be interested in immigrants’ stories”.
I bet most of his audience are younger. We cannot change the older generation as they still see Chinese with pigtails working as cooks and butlers as the top jobs for them. They have to bring their biases to their graves.
Ray says
Phoenix TV did an interview on Joe Wong when he was back in China. He talked about how he grew up in China where both his parents have good sense of humour. His father is an engineer and mother a doctor. The childhood experience that he speak of will be alien to most urban Chinese today.
YinYang says
Thx Ray. Enjoyed it. I skipped around the video a bit. I particularly enjoyed the lesson on needing to be persistent to achieve success. I also applaud the organizer of the Press club dinner at the White House for inviting him to perform.