We are excited to officially launch the 2012 Hidden Harmonies Essay Contest. In doing this, we hope to bring more awareness to the ‘Chinese’ perspective. The best 3 essays will be awarded prizes with an
iPad 2 ipad 3 going to the top essay. This year’s topic will answer the following question:
Every society has a set of values around which it builds its culture. The West likes to think its most important value is freedom. What do think are the most important Chinese values, and how do you think they might be better than those in the West?
To qualify, entrants must be a college/university student in China or a Chinese student studying in college/university abroad. Deadline for submission is June 15, 2012. For other guidelines and rules, please refer to our essay contest page (https://hiddenharmonies.org/2012-essay-contest/).
We would very much appreciate our reader’s help in spreading the word. Forward this email to family and friends. Post our contest page or article in Weibo, Facebook, Twitter, college BBS forums, or even to print our contest page for distribution at schools. Email this to alumni mailing list or directly to schools (political science, history, journalism departments, professors, and etc.).
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