It seems that every time Xingjiang is in the news it is when something bad has occured. Doesn’t anyone question why there are no good news out of Xingjiang? I will be honest here, I really hated the mainstream western press portrayal of events in that region of China. The general narrative is that China invaded and colonized that region. Today, the native people there faced oppression, discrimination and threat of their religion and culture eliminated. The underlying message is that the Chinese are oppressing these people and they need to be taught a lesson and be kicked out!
But what is the actual reality on the ground? Of course what you will see here is through my selection but it is definitely a side you will NEVER ever see in the mainstream western press. First of all, I think we should take our colored lenses off when we are looking at people. Whether they are Uighur, Han, Kazakh, Tajik, Mongol etc, first and foremost they are all individuals. We should throw away all our preconceived view of how Uighur, Han, Kazakh, Tajik, Mongol should act or live according to our pre-conceived imagination.
All the following news are repost. It is actually available in Chinese language site but because of the magnitude of news available in China they are buried and most casual observers would be hard pressed to dig them up. I will confess that even what I have posted here is less than 1% of the news on Xingjiang, which is less than 1% of news out of China. However, I hope my presentation would generate an interest so my readers would go and find out more.
On 6th Aug, news broke out that the 9 year old daughter of a policeman from Karsi was diagnosed with leukemia. Within 2 days, he had received donation of over RMB 500,000. Below are pictures of 司马主·库完 and his daughter 艾丽·菲亚.
A twin sisters from Xinjiang joint the same airline and became flight attendant together.
A female SWAT team member pictures were re-blogged all over China and she caught the attention of the media.
A Tajik couple getting married.
A county in Xingjiang named 特克斯 is the world’s largest town arranged in the shape of Ba Gua.
This is a social political website so I will end it will a political news. An anti terrorist exercise being held in a village called 色满乡亥里瓦甫.
Allen says
Beautiful post! I got distracted by events in Hong Kong, but will finish my Ilham Toht post soon…