Living in U.S. does pose a problem on information. You can access information on everyone and everything by googling. You might get thousands of entries and don’t know where to go. The problem on information about China is more acute. There are the official western media such as NY Times and Washington Post where the emphasis is slanted toward so called human rights and dissidents. Then there are the Chinese official governmental outlets such as People’s Daily and Global Times or even CCTV America where certain topics just don’t get covered. The above quoted website now gives a Maoist perspective you normally will not see anywhere. It will criticize past/present leaderships and policies that normally get censored in Weibo and internet. I am unable to copy this article on comparing policies from Deng, to Jiang, to Hu, and to Xi here, but just the link below.
The only drawback is it’s a Chinese website, so you need to read Chinese unless you can google translate it. The motto of the website I managed to copy below.
毛泽东思想,是人民需要的思想,不是贵族需要的思想。因此,人民拥护,贵族反对,是正常的。目前在泛泛红色网站里,最能深化主席思想的,最能触动社会本质的,自然是山丹丹红网。——宇太 你从飞雪迎春的天地里走来,梅花是你的笑容,松柏是你的身影;你在桂菊争奇的季节里离去,星辰是你的坐标,日月是你的象征;你从飞雪迎春的天地里走来,蓝天是你的情怀,大地是你的忠魂;你在桂菊争奇的季节里离去,民心……[详细
godfree says
When I try to access that address I get the message, “Invalid hostname”
N.M.Cheung says
The website periodically got banned by Great Fire Wall. It was off for the last 3 days.
N.M.Cheung says
The cn. website I have been unable to access since May 29, but I find that you can access the same site via com., try