In a Q & A with Michael Spence, Nobel Laureate in Economics 2001, on the U.S. economic crisis on Squawk Box at CNBC, Spence makes some notable comments on China's management of its economy and its responsible actions on the global economic stage. … [Read more...] about (Letter from perspectivehere) Michael Spence, Nobel Laureate 2001 in Economics, on China’s Economic Management
Wang Yung-Ching (王永慶) – One of Taiwan's Proud Sons – Passes Away…
Wang Yung-Ching, founder of Taiwan’s Formosa Plastics Group, has passed away at the age of 91 while on a business trip to the United States. Wang died unexpectedly in his sleep at his daughter’s home in New Jersey. Known affectionately as the “Midas of Management” in Taiwan, Wang started his business by selling rice in 1932. From that humble beginning, Wang would become the … [Read more...] about Wang Yung-Ching (王永慶) – One of Taiwan's Proud Sons – Passes Away…
Blue Sky in Beijing
Last time I was in Beijing was two and half year ago. Beijing now is once again a very different city, the investment must have far exceeded $40 Billion. The most impressive is the frequent return of blue sky in Fall Beijing, here is the evidence: … [Read more...] about Blue Sky in Beijing
Oh ~ Black Blind Island, Welcome Home
On October 14, half of Heixiazi Island (lit. black blind island) was transferred from Russia to China, completing the last piece of the border settlement pact signed by the two countries in the mid-1990's. Back in the day, Jiang Zemin took a lot of heat for signing this, because it was felt by some that China had lost a claim on the much larger Sixty-Four Villages area of … [Read more...] about Oh ~ Black Blind Island, Welcome Home
Are Chinese racist or simply politically incorrect?
It's common knowledge that when it comes to racial remarks, Chinese people (and perhaps Asians in general) are not the most politically correct people in the world. We've had extended discussions about "racism" in China (see, e.g., Chocolate City post by Buxi). Recently, I came across an interesting article in Times Magazine (in relation to the U.S. Presidential politics) … [Read more...] about Are Chinese racist or simply politically incorrect?