I came across an article in Asia Times on Japan's WWII surrender that I thought was very well written. It is important because within that surrender lay the seeds of today's historical revisionism. But more important than that, it is a good case study on what Japan is NOT. Too often, many in the West think of Japan as this enlightened, modern, forward-looking, peace-loving … [Read more...] about The Mirage that is Japan …
Update on AMSC v. Sinovel “IP theft” lawsuits
In the latest, AMSC suffered clear defeats in 2 main jurisdictions in China, Beijing and Hainan, where both jurisdictions dismissed AMSC's copyright complaints. http://www.windpowermonthly.com/article/1350760/sinovel-claims-court-win-amsc In April the Beijing Intermediate People's Court dismissed another AMSC software copyright infringment case against Sinovel. AMSC made … [Read more...] about Update on AMSC v. Sinovel “IP theft” lawsuits
An Interview with Deng Xiaoping
The following is an interview given by Deng Xiaoping to the Italian Oriana Fallaci on August 21 and 23, 1980. I have included Deng's original Chinese language version at the bottom. The English translation credit goes to People's Daily of China. It gives very good insight to Deng. Oriana Fallaci: Will Chairman Mao's portrait above Tiananmen Gate be kept there? … [Read more...] about An Interview with Deng Xiaoping
Position Paper of the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the Matter of Jurisdiction in the South China Sea Arbitration Initiated by the Republic of the Philippines
On December 7, 2014, the Chinese government released a position paper on why the UNCLOS Arbitration initiated by Philippines should be dismissed as groundless. Below is a copy. For me personally, it's interesting reading it after I have conducted my own extensive research in the area in writing my own paper on the topic last June. The Chinese position paper has cited the … [Read more...] about Position Paper of the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the Matter of Jurisdiction in the South China Sea Arbitration Initiated by the Republic of the Philippines
Political Correctness
In U.S., despite the popularity of Bill Maher, political correctness is a serious business, especially in academia. Any inadvertent comment or joke about race and rape will be attacked as racism or misogyny. Recently Hong Kong media published a conversation of Zhu Wei Qun, he was an official who was involved in negotiation with representatives of Dalai Lama, and Alai, a Tibetan … [Read more...] about Political Correctness