Recently there were a bunch of announced arrests of Chinese American scientists and the indictments of Chinese nationals for spying or/and economic espionage. For Chinese who are naïve about American laws who aspire to be Americans this is a sobering warning that should be taken seriously. As Snowden revealed NSA spies on everyone, but especially foreign national that considers … [Read more...] about 又一华裔教授在美被捕 曾任“长江学者”, On the arrest of another Chinese American professor
Neo-Imperialistic “Partnership” US World Order, Undefined, Outdated.
Nothing spurs me to rethink about the Orwellian Newspeak of today's US World Order than a news filled with Newspeak. Robert Blackwill and Ashley Tellis, 2 former US diplomats, both with close ties to pro-India lobby groups, authored a paper for Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) arguing for US to take a tougher stand against China. … [Read more...] about Neo-Imperialistic “Partnership” US World Order, Undefined, Outdated.
A rebuke of Chinese russophobes from the PLA Daily
For those who read Chinese, here is a great article that calls on all Chinese to reject russophobia & get our strategic priorities straight. … [Read more...] about A rebuke of Chinese russophobes from the PLA Daily
Every Day Repressions in the Police States (US and others) now common place
Like a sharp constant pain that slowly raws the nerves and turn into a dull persistent ache and eventually forgotten completely, people in the West should be shocked at the every day repressions that they suffer, where their "freedoms" are restricted with the bare minimum of justifications of moral platitude. If you watched the movie "V for Vendetta", the opening scenes … [Read more...] about Every Day Repressions in the Police States (US and others) now common place
About that Bastion of the Free Internet, Google…
Have you guys run across this little post at – because we have a page showing the Abu Ghraib abuses. Update: After channels of communication were opened as a result of this article on Gawker, Google contacted us and said they would be restoring our ads. However, Friday morning I received another demand to remove content from our site. Google has decided this … [Read more...] about About that Bastion of the Free Internet, Google…