I came across this article on the Vineyard of the Saker blog, which I think is worth reading (both the article and the blog in general). I don't know what fellow Hidden Harmonies bloggers think of other works by Jeff Brown (especially those related to China), but his description of information control methods in the West seems to be pretty spot on. By the way, my fellow … [Read more...] about Behind the Great Western Firewall Is the Ugly Truth
Eddie Huang, FOB, Time Warner Condos, and Gold Coast Houses.
With the launching Of the sit-com "Fresh off the Boat" on ABC, there were a flurry of articles on Eddie Huang and the TV series. There was a profile of him in New York Times beside the review of the show, and Arthur Chu wrote about the importance of the show for Asian Americans in Salon.com. I watched the first 2 episodes and have mixed feelings as it triggered my own memory … [Read more...] about Eddie Huang, FOB, Time Warner Condos, and Gold Coast Houses.
政治局新年首次集体学习辩证唯物主义 (Politburo together studied Dialectic Materialism)
Have lived in U.S. for over 50 years, yet because of my Chinese root, I am always attuned to what happens in China. I avidly read all books about China and Chinese history. From Edgar Snow, William Hinton, to various China experts. From People's Daily to New York Times about recent events. I consider my schooling up to 8th grade in Shanghai during the 50s as inoculation against … [Read more...] about 政治局新年首次集体学习辩证唯物主义 (Politburo together studied Dialectic Materialism)
Abe’s Japan going backwards on the Comfort Women Issue
It seems inevitable that Japan would start whitewashing its textbooks its WWII atrocities. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/01/09/national/tokyo-based-textbook-publisher-to-delete-depictions-of-comfort-women/#.VLw_T0fF8pA Now the word "comfort Women" has been removed from High School textbooks and instead replaced by South Korean "individuals victimized by Japan … [Read more...] about Abe’s Japan going backwards on the Comfort Women Issue
The Myth of a Chinese takeover in Siberia – Continued
As an avid follower and enthusiast of modern trends in Sino-Russian relations (and media coverage thereof), I saw this "jewel" of an op-ed in the New York Times earlier this week, titled "Why China will Reclaim Siberia". This type of Sinophobic fear-mongering is nothing new in the western media. With amusement, I read through it with the slight hope of finding some new, … [Read more...] about The Myth of a Chinese takeover in Siberia – Continued