So, for a while now since the "peegate" stories spread on the internet via some angry HK'ers following mainland tourists around with cameras, I have wondered, why was this such a huge deal in HK? Afterall, NYC subway smell like pee. If you googled "NY peeing", you get videos of public urination in NY. So, then the question is, how clean are the HK people? (I have been … [Read more...] about Some actual HK Data of HK people misbehaving, in need of outrage by HK people
On the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) Between the U.S. and Phillipines
The U.S. and Phillipines leadership would like to portray their new relationship as rosy, strategic and deep. On the street though, talking to the average Joe, one might get a very different impression. Billed as the cornerstone of growing US and the Philippines strategic partnership and of the U.S. pivot back to Asia, the Enhanced Defense Cooperation … [Read more...] about On the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) Between the U.S. and Phillipines
A Buried History of Taiwan
This is the preface of the book titled Memoir of Chen Mingzhong (陈明忠回忆录) written by Lu Zhenghui (吕正惠) who is a university professor at Taiwan Tamkang University (淡江大学), the editor was Lin Na (李娜). Chen Mingzhong has been an activist in Taiwan since the 1950s. I feel that this part of Taiwan's history is so well buried that it needs to be better known. In the following … [Read more...] about A Buried History of Taiwan
Obama Asia tour: US-Japan treaty ‘covers disputed islands’ – A Case of Dipping into One’s Savings to Live Large?
It's never good to dip into one's savings just to live large. Gluttony and largess - when one can ill afford it - is foolish ... and a sign of decadence. To me, the U.S. so-called pivot to Asia - emblemized by President Obama's trip to Japan - represents just that. The New York Times - even with its usual spin PR in over-drive - already calls the trip a "setback." In an … [Read more...] about Obama Asia tour: US-Japan treaty ‘covers disputed islands’ – A Case of Dipping into One’s Savings to Live Large?
Helmut Schmidt: won’t sell Democracy to China
The following link is an interview of Helmut Schmidt. It’s rare and refreshing to see a Western politician speaking so freely and honestly about Democracy. Based on the above interview, Bill, a thoughtful friend of mine, pretends to be an interlocutor shadowing Herr Helmut Schmidt with his own comments, … [Read more...] about Helmut Schmidt: won’t sell Democracy to China