A friend of mine who lives in Shanghai wrote a quick WeChat update today: "今天64,缅怀一下当年为自由民主牺牲的青年" which roughly translates to: "Today is June 4th. Let's pay homage to those young Chinese who perished in the cause of freedom and democracy." (For an in-depth article on June 4th, read "Let’s Talk About Tiananmen Square, 1989" and in Chinese, "且谈1989年的天安门事件.") Many of our … [Read more...] about Remembering June 4th
June 4
(这篇文章是龙信明博客写的. 西方媒体总是会通过扭曲的镜头来看中国、 或中国人。关于六四, 西方媒体还在撒谎. 他们的目标是中国境内挑拨.) 且谈1989年的天安门事件我的小道消息比你的准 序对一般西方人而言,在中国,没有哪个地方比天安门更深刻地印在他们的意识中,也没有哪个历史事件比1989年的学生示威更经常地成为谈资。 最近有个博客提到:“又到六月了。又是重访天安门的时候了。”看起来的确如此。大部分西方媒体都在筹备这一事件的“周年报道”,或者是通过再现戏剧性事件的形式来炮制新闻,或者是出于某种不见得那么高尚的目的。 … [Read more...] about 且谈1989年的天安门事件
Let’s Talk About Tiananmen Square, 1989
(Propaganda in the Western press had a lasting impact on China. For the Tiananmen Protest of 1989, the "reform and opening up" policies under Deng back-stepped when Western governments decided to scale back loans and FDI into China on the grounds the Chinese government were 'butchers.' The 'butcher' and 'massacre' narratives were concocted by the Western press to demonize the … [Read more...] about Let’s Talk About Tiananmen Square, 1989
June Fourth 1989, another look
It has been 22 years since the June 4, 1989 Tiananmen incident. While the Western media has over the years toned down this 'massacre' myth, they are still using vague language to keep the 'massacre' narrative alive. For example, even NPR's 'anniversary' piece yesterday, echoing an Associated Press article, described it as "the crushing of the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy … [Read more...] about June Fourth 1989, another look
Topics on Democracy (Part 2) — A Model for the 21st Century
( A short thesis exploring the problems and viability of implementing a democratic system from a developing country’s point of view. The thesis concludes with an introduction of an interesting hybrid system that seems to be taking shape in the ongoing political evolutionary process in China. This article is the final part of the 2-part series on democracy, and was first … [Read more...] about Topics on Democracy (Part 2) — A Model for the 21st Century