I think most of you have the experience with flight. Do you know the Air Force service is available in China? Part of the post is translated follow:
Captain in the intercom:”Comrade. Usually it would take more than 2 hours to Beijing. However, we are in hurry today. We will make it faster, and arrive at Beijing within 2 hours. Any comment?”

Look that grannie, she seems really enjoy this “air-bus”.
RMBWhat says
LOL… That’s like riding the train with ying4 zuo4 ticket…
What if they decided to go vomit comet on you ass?
Fly… Fly away…
ecodelta says
And I thought that Ryanair and Easyjet had cheap service. How much was the ticket?
bt says
waaaah … must be something 🙂
Oli says
reminded me when I flew in an ancient PLA Russian made AN-26/30 turboprops from Beijing to Huhehaote, Inner Mongolia., in the 1980’s. A once in a lifetime never to be repeated experience.
No longer remember which was more unsettling, the takeoff, the landing or the inbetween.
S.K. Cheung says
That is hilarious! On the bright side, i’m guessing you won’t have to listen to a flight attendant explaining to you the finer points of a seatbelt. And keeping your tray table in the upright and locked position doesn’t look to be much of an issue either.
Marcos Lima says
A população da China é de +/-, eles fazem milagre com o PIB que tem, ou é competencia, sistema politico justo para a maioria?.
The population of China is + / – 1200000000, they are miracle with GDP that has, or is competition, fair political system for most?.