It seems to be so reactionary to be against democracy, a noble concept. Yet for someone like me who has been living in U.S. for so long, a cynic, maybe jaded, the slogan of Hong Kong students of real democracy, or the Western media’s championing of human rights provoke mirth and bitter laugh in me.
First let us look at the world at large, U.N. where annually at New York votes are taken in General Assembly, but essentially meaningless if it infringes on U.S. and her freedom to action in any way as a veto in Security Council is assured. When U.S. wanted to invade Iraq, she presented the fictional weapons of mass destruction and got her way, or bombed Yugoslavia to submission, or just bombed Libya without U.N. sanction at all. Genocide in Rwanda? Sorry, no oil or money in it. International Court of Justice in Hague may be useful for tin pot dictators in Africa, but does not apply to U.S..
Looking at U.S., shining example of democracy, torch holds high by Miss Liberty. A few billions spent on the last presidential election, with barely over 50% eligible voters bother to vote, where millions of ex-convicts are not eligible to vote in most states, and millions of poor didn’t bother to vote. Democrats out polled Republicans by millions of votes and they remain a minority in House of Representative due to gerrymandering and other quirks. Where money is free speech. Or Singapore where many Hong Konger aspire to be compare to, where some subversive communists still rotted in jail or being let out in their 80s as no longer a threat, and mainland bus drivers deported for daring to ask for equal pay and treatment.
I am sure the some Hong Konger will reply that all these are irrelevant as they want “One Man, One Vote”. Well, is Hong Kong not part of China? Does 1.3 billion Chinese have no say of the future of Hong Kong? Does Hong Konger want to look down on mainland Chinese as superior, as colonial servants take the side of their masters and look down on their fellow compatriots as locusts? Do they want de facto separation? Do they want Tibet and Xinjiang not be part of China as well? Do they wish they are not Chinese? I am sure they will deny it and say they hope China will be as free as them at the end of 50 years transition period.
My advices to Hong Kong students is to go home, take out your I-pads and download some books on the history of Hong Kong, How did Hong Kong come to being? The history of Opium Wars. Maybe be kind to your Philippine maid and start doing your own laundry. Would a new chief executive after millions spending on campaigning by promising hope and change as Obama did really change Hong Kong? And as Xi Jinping asked for mainland students, study your history and philosophy, be more humble and knowledgeable, and you may yet be able to change the tax structure be more progressive and take a bite from the tycoons in Hong Kong.
tc says
” …. look down on mainland Chinese as superior, as colonial servants take the side of their masters and look down on their fellow compatriots as locusts …”
This attitude totally sickens me; and I was born and grew up in Taiwan. Imagine if I were a mainlander.
N.M.Cheung says
Upon reading of NYT column by Shin Sin-por, “China’s Right to Govern Hong Kong”, I sent the following letter to NYT, reprinted here, giving they usually avoid printing my letter there until when the article is ready to be removed.
“From all the comments I read it seems to be a consensus of self satisfying mocking of China and praise of democracy in U.S.. But I hate to prick the balloon of self congratulations by pointing out ; Is there real democracy in U.S.? Does U.S. government really serve the interest of American people? We have 9 (or is it 5? with some appointed illegally if you consider Gore V Bush) sitting in the supreme court with life time tenure saying Corporation is people, money is speech, and 1% can have it all. Speaking of legalese, U.S. Constitution is a great document, except if you look at the fine prints, and now it looks to be carved in stone and will not or unable to change in different time.”
Charles Liu says
Or learn a little bit about US history when emulating America. US presidential candidates are not elected thru primary elections, and is not direct elected. I’m not sure if this is true, but great many democracies around the world fails the universal suffrage bar set by HK protesters: