I’ve wrote this article an article about a year ago of why I believe that Trump is the best thing to China since Nixon.
Trump’s mishandled almost every foreign and domestic policy from Trade war with China. Now Trump is knee deep in a recession and handling the coronavirus. China seems to have the upper hand controlling of the coronavirus situation and has passed the National Security Law in Hong Kong.
I recall several months ago when the Hong Kong government was proposing to pass the extradition treaty many other countries were outraged that this would happen. Compared to this many countries including Japan, South Korea, India, ASEAN as well as EU seems to be pretty quiet about this. Besides the US, only the other 4 five eyes countries (Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand) are somewhat vocal about China’s latest move. Perhaps it is another sign of America’s decline and China’s rise.
Ngok M Cheung says
I would both agree and disagree with your statement. He’s good for China in the sense he accelerates the decline of U.S. economically, politically, and morally. Thus relative to China, U.S. is falling farther behind. But he is also dangerous and unstable to the peace and security of the world. I do hope he’s not reelected as he’s a threat as described by Stephen King in his novel “The Dead Zone”.
pug_ster says
I don’t know about him being dangerous and unstable to peace and security of the world. He is the only president in recent memory which is not involved in an attempt in overthrowing some government using military force. Obama was involved in Libya and Syria. Bush Jr was involved in Iraq and Afghanistan. Clinton was involved in Iraq, Bosnia and Sudan, etc… Bush Sr was involved in Iraq, etc…
Charles Liu says
Trump tried to topple Maduro, first by installing opposition leader Guaido, then the failed coup attempt operating from Florida with ex-marines: https://www.vox.com/2020/5/11/21249203/venezuela-coup-jordan-goudreau-maduro-guaido-explain
brandon apter says
i would not say that. these western capitalist imperialists (and their stooges) countries have all publicly criticized china for the hk law. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Germany, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Marshall Islands, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palau, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the U.K. one VERY important thing to note here is sweden, and switzerland, who are often labeled as “neutral”, are usually eager to get behind western capitalist imperialist core agendas. with taiwan, not only are they critical of the hk law, theyre openly training some of these hk terorists. now you can say that trump is good for china, but here’s what he has done that has hurt china is major ways. turned britain against china. turned france against china. turned norway against china. turned canada against china. turned australia against china. turned nz against china. turned india against china, and even encouraged them to invade china. now you can argue that many of these countries were already anti chinese, but trump was instrumental in cutting off 5g for china. for india, trump was instrumental in cutting off chinese technologies in general to india, still threatening to cut off 5g. these countries reached a new high for its anti chinese positions in nearly 30 years, in some instancea 40yrs