The recent events in the Capitol reminds me about the post I wrote 4 years ago here.
Below I wrote that the next 4 years will be chaotic but I would not even imagine that it would be this chaotic. This constant lies fed to the Trumpsters has led to this today. This forest fire that I have mentioned seem to have started but it would not be stopped anytime soon. In fact, according to this poll, 45 percent of republicans support this. The next 4 years there will be more infighting which will further degrade the country to a irreversible decline. China’s rise is a no longer a question of how but when.
Also let’s not kid ourselves, this “Day of Infamy” is not becauser raid of the Capitol, but because the lives of its lawmakers’s lives are threatened.
Ngok Ming Cheung says
Actually my prediction was better than yours. I said it will be bad short term for China but long term good for China, as the trade and technology wars validated my thesis. I also said it will be bad for U.S. both short and long term as the fracture in American society deepens. The Covid pandemic is a stress test on every country and only China and East Asia mostly passed the test. The fact that Trump presidency caused so much damage to the accelerating decline of American Empire is a cause for joy and hope to the rest of the world. It remains to be seen whether Biden administration can reverse or slow the decline. One thing I find joy is the blow it did to the pro-American voices in China due to the responses to the pandemic. The question remains on whether U.S. will continue the path of Sino-phobia and technology quarantine on China and the restriction on Chinese students and exchanges, plus the intimidation of Chinese-Americans as exemplified by the arrest of MIT professor Chen recently.