My wife and I, along with a German, an Aussie, a TCK (third culture kid), and an American watched the Opening Ceremonies on a giant screen in one of Tianjin's biggest parks. There were thousands of people there, and very few foreigners. We've posted pictures, video, and blogged the experience, particularly the crowd's reactions to different things (Watching the Opening … [Read more...] about (Letter) Watching the Opening Ceremony with a few thousand Tianjiners
(Letter from Joel) Tianjin’s LaoBaiXing on the Olympics
(This is excerpted from: Tianjin’s "Old Hundred Names" on the Olympics) Here's what some of our neighbours and others from our daily routines in the city think about the Olympics. I asked them, "What do the Olympics means to Chinese people?" (奥运会对中国人有什么意义?) and "Why are they doing so much preparation?" (我听说中国为了奥运会作很多准备。为什么是这样?) … [Read more...] about (Letter from Joel) Tianjin’s LaoBaiXing on the Olympics